In commemoration of finishing yet ANOTHER year of law school it was time to bring you, four dear readers (yep, we’ve moved from 3 to 4 readers), the highs and lows of the 2L year. Without further ado:
High: I have sat here for 20 minutes staring at this fucking cursor. I can't think of one substantial high from this year except for the fact that in three days it will be over. Yep, I got nothing. Which pretty much means that for all you 1L's out there who think it's soooooo awful being a 1L? You're screwed.
Low: Um...realizing that I totally fucked myself by working 2 jobs AND taking a full load. Oh, and it turns out? No drinking on the job.
High: Realizing that once I stopped stressing by preparing for class law school was actually a lot of fun. Oooh, and having six weeks off between finals and starting my summer job.
Low: Getting permanently 86ed from the local liquor store. Oh, wait, that hasn’t happened — yet. Real low was probably not getting the ed board position on journal that I thought I so desperately wanted at the time. (The reality is that after seeing how much work the person who did get the job is already doing, I think my classmates did me a favor).
John Roberts
High: N/A
Low: Everything
High: To be determined (probably actually getting a paying job for the summer in exactly what I want to do or being done with my 2nd year)
Low: Trying to get a job via OCI is one of the most demoralizing experiences. No matter what the Career Person tells everyone: "Lots of people get jobs through OCI!!!" That is absolutely not true. Unless you are on Law Review or in the top 10% (preferably both), don't bother trying. (For example, I had 8 interviews and 3 callbacks...but no job).
High: First day of class, professor brings out colored markers and tells us we're going to have arts and crafts today. And people say law school is hard.
Low: Writing the Appellate brief fall semester, I really hated that damned thing.
Reasonable Peep
Highs: Getting a job for the summer; Proving to myself that I can be a lawyer; Acing the exam that made me cry; Regaining my self esteem
Lows: Not seeing my friends as much because our schedules do not jive; Participating in OCI only to NOT get a job; Actually crying after an exam
High: Getting to take a few classes with each of my fellow bitches and passing the MPRE.
Low: Finding out that someone who comes an hour late to a final still gets to take the final and without penalty.