Any University of Miami School of Law People Out there?

(Hat tip goes to

Anybody go to "Da U" and know who this guy is? He reminds me of 2Ls I know here. Check out the link above and make funny comments if you must. BTW, this is why I watch "The People's Court." Nothing beats a cold hearted "benchslap." ("benchslap" should be a registered TM of


John Roberts said...


The Swinging Kennedy said...

That made my day. I was sitting there visualizing some of our favorite 2Ls getting that smack down. That may be my "happy place" for the rest of my year.

Token said...

That is just beautiful. Beautiful. I have new respect for People's Court.

Calculating Bitch said...

Great find, Lance. I want to say I'm shocked and appalled, but I think I've been among law students too long. What a jackass.

nicolle said...

that's why i love the people's court...there are eighty billion judges on television, but Judge Milian is definitely the best at benchslapping (c).

Lance Ito said...

Apparently the University of Miami has had a lot of "weirdness" lately. One of their 1Ls is on America's Top Model, one of their Profs (who teaches Crim Pro) got busted for soliciting a prostitute, and a graduate now is now featured on a website called "Girls and Guns." Quality school down there...

not a real blog said...

I'm a 3L at the U. This kid was in my section first year. He's actually really nice and generally very quiet. Word on the street is he was pretty embarrassed by this. He wouldnt even tell people when it was airing,so his friends were tivoing it everyday.

but yeah...we're all very proud of the weirdness this week. especially the prof with a prostitute....hilarity.