Attention 2Ls

I know you guys don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, so here's another friendly tip from me to you.1

When after five minutes of discussion, the professor definitively states the answer and wants to move on, that means you should let the discussion move on, not continue to employ your same stupid losing argument. The professor wasn't swayed the first time, s/he isn't going to be swayed the second time just because you managed to work in some bullshit you learned in Contracts your first year.

1Your ass is the one the professors keep sticking their dicks into


Guy Fawkes said...

Dear god, you guys must have the worst 2L's on the planet. Most of our 3L's tell me that we're a lot cooler than their class. Maybe they're the shittiest 3L's on the planet :/

Lance Ito said...

Its a fucking downward spiral...and apparently the 1L class is even worse than the 2L class.

Anonymous said...

sorry i haven't been able to comment lately but according to a previous post Calculating Bitch, according to some exam, is much more likely to be succesful as an attorney...

I have also noticed she hardly posts. That's probably a cue for homosexuals like kennedy to stop the rant and rave here. Be a man. Your continual verbal threats agaisnt me are probably improportionate to the amount of physical damage you can bestow


LawSchoolBlogger said...

What if what I have to say is more important than what the prof has to say?

The Swinging Kennedy said...

Winai-- You wanna see how much "physical damage" I can "bestow?"

Bend over you lil bitch.