...when the best part about a four-day weekend was spending only 8 hours working on a take-home midterm, 4 hours reading for class this week, 23 hours doing research for a law review article you're writing, 5 hours doing house/yardwork, and 3 hours running errands.
But hey, at least I didn't have to go to work.
Why am I taking summer school again?
because you're an idiot?
or crazy?
Probably both.
I keep justifying by telling myself knocking these extra credits off will all be worth it my third year when I can take the minimum load. For some reason, that doesn't sound as good as it did when I decided it back in April.
You know what? With your timekeeping skills, and your work schedule, you are ready for the big firm life. 43 billables on a four-day holiday weekend? You rock! I bet they would hire you at my firm.
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