As preparations for the first exam build up to a crescendo I found a way to give back and hopefully get karma on your side...
Good karma is a key prepatory device in order to take an exam (along with prayer, sacrificing virgins, and maybe studying). Go to this guys website and help him out.
When you help others, it not only makes you feel good, but gives back to the community. By helping this guy out, we all benefit in the long run. Do your good deed for the day and make karma your friend.
i'm very skeptical about karma. a few weeks ago i saved a puppy for an old lady on crutches and all i've gotten for that is daily headaches and a sore back.
i think i'm a non-believer.
Have you ever seen My Name is Earl?
Perhaps its not that you have no karma, Dicta, its just that you've done so many things bad in your life that you have to make up for each one otherwise karma will keep kicking your ass...
i've seen bits and pieces. the problem is i helped people do their taxes on thursday nights this semester and usually got back just in time for the office.
i see your point, but i mean it doesnt get any more cliche than saving a puppy for an old lady on crutches, does it? that's worth like 3 billion karma points.
You did people's taxes for them? That sounds like a good deed there. Between that and saving the puppy you should be set for life.
As a fellow VITA volunteer, I have plenty of good karma. I don't know what your problem is then.
Then again, since I've entered law school my house been hit by a tornado and flooded twice. So maybe my karma has turned bad. Hmmm, maybe karma hates us because we're going to be lawyers some day.
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