Don't Call it a Comeback...(seriously we aren't reuniting like the Eagles)

So...somehow the ABA (aka "Big Brother") got ahold of this blog and decided to nominate it as one of the top 100 Blawgs.

The Lawbitches are honored and humbled. They are currently pondering whether they can put this on their resumes. Would it have made a difference during OCI?

Anyway, they are now pandering for votes. In the name of all things holy and sacred (pretty sure thats hookers and blow for them) go and vote. And vote for them on different computers.

If they win this award they would like to dedicate it to all their lovely readers over past 2 years. Most of them miss you all very much (well, at least Lance and Larceny do, and Calculating does have her moments) and miss blogging about their mundane lives.

And for the record, Lance feels that Frugal Law Student should not top the JD In Training category. The top student blawg should go to a site that brought you laughter -- not one that taught you how to save money.

Thanks again to those of you who have been following the LawBitches since their second semester, first year!

UPDATE: Apparently the banner below sends you to the main page, click on "JDs in Training" to find our blog. Also, we've opened up comments. Happy voting!


Aaron Hall said...

What a bunch of cheaters! Your ABA votes are bogus!

In the last few hours your blog gained hundreds of votes. That's not possible since your blog sucks.

You must have a script that 1) gets an IP address, 2) votes, 3) drops the IP address, 4) and repeat.

John Roberts said...

Wow. You're giving us FAR too much credit. If we were smart enough to hack the internets like that, so you think we would have fallen for the ponzi scheme known as law school? We just spread the word to friends, family, co-workers, clients, hobos, crack whores, etc.

Lance Ito said...

"Law is my Name," if that really is your ID. Are you just a bitter "Frugal Law Student?" That is awfully big talk for someone who doesn't have a blog and is an accountant in Afghanistan. What are you doing out there? Auditing the Taliban?

Aaron Hall said...

Law is as much my name as Lance Ito is yours. (

I just hope this blog's authors have higher standards in final exams.

RunnerGirl20 said...

You must have quite a large circle of friends, co-workers, and crack whores. And you must have an uncanny ability to orchestrate their behavior because strangely enough, all of your votes have come in great surges, during a very short period of time, and always right when (and this must be coincidental!) The Frugal Law Student pulled ahead of you.

I don't give you as much credit as "Law is my name." I simply think that when the Lawbitches are behind they descend upon a computer lab and vote from computer to computer until they are once again in the lead.

The fact that your blog, which averages 142 visitors a day, has garnered twice as many votes as "The Volokh Conspiracy," a blog which averages 20,000 visitors a day, is astounding. Even more so if the fact that your blog, which produces new posts at what can only be called a glacial pace, is now 3rd out of the Top 100 blawgs. If you are going to cheat, may I suggest that you at least make it seem plausible?

I thought ethics was a required class in law school. Perhaps you all slept through it?

And no, I am not the embittered Frugal Law Student. I am merely an outraged fan of his blog.

josh said...

what is wrong with all of you? who fucking cares about any of this?

Aaron Hall said...

I agree with RunnerGirl20. And no, I'm not the Frugal Law Student. However, I like his blog and others on this list. It's annoying that your childish blog is taking away attention and acclaim from legitimate law blogs.

Further, I do not believe, as you suggest, that you garnered hundreds of votes from "friends, family, co-workers, clients, hobos, crack whores, etc." who all voted in the same hour. That is highly unlikely.

Instead, you realized you can vote, erase your browser cookies, and vote again. There might even be a quicker way.

Your actions are a discredit to the legal community.

Larceny Bitch said...

Oh my God, shut up people, no one gives a shit. It's a stupid online vote that comes with no reward. It's not that serious (well apparently to you it is). And by the way, we are a retired blog which is why we no longer get many visits and don't post. And also, our lack of ethics on our blog is half of what it is about! It's FUNNY - you know, unlike Frugal Law Student. Read a bit before you make assumptions about us, your first law lesson!

Blog Administrator said...

This is absolutely ridiculous. The LawBitches do not even know why they were nominated for the top 100 in the first place. They all agree that the only list this blog should ever appear on is "Top 100 Sarcastic Blogs Written by Law Students." (Surely, they would appear on that list since there are probably not even 100 sarcastic law student blogs out there.)

Either the ABA nomination was a cruel joke on the LawBitches...or perhaps something posted on this site at one point made someone at the ABA laugh. If the latter is the case, then the LawBitches are pleased that they brought a smile to someone's day. The legal profession should not be exclusive of laughter.

As far as ethical allegations go, they are simply that -- allegations. The LawBitches aren't sure how their votes even jumped up so drastically, so quickly. Perhaps another cruel joke. Maybe a misguided but loyal reader thought they were being kind. Maybe a fellow law student had nothing better to do during class this week. Maybe someone who hates this blog ran a script as suggested above simply to make these blawgers look bad. Or maybe these are all just more unsubstantiated allegations...

Butterflyfish said...

heh heh


whether its your legion of fans or someone subverting the voting process, its SUCH a LawBitch way to go out.

totally voted for ya

KathleenKMM said...

Dear Law Bitches,

I am abandoning finals to vote for you. You deserve it. Please come back soon.

PG said...

I see that this website's Sitemeter is no longer viewable. Smart move -- allowing people to see the statistics made it possible to point out that the site was getting many more votes than it has readers.

Guy Fawkes said...

People are STILL upset over the ABA blog thing?? Dear god, take off the aluminum foil wizard hats and get a grip.

PG said...

Evidently the ABA got "upset" too, considering that this blawg was disqualified from the competition.