New Reads

This post has been a long-time coming. There have been several blogs out there that have recently (within in the last 6 months, that is — yes, I’m a bit behind) linked to the LawBitches. So, the crew here at There’s No Competition would like to give a shout out to these fellow blawgers:

Baby Barista
Tales of a law student in England (law school is a different beast across seas). The stories aren’t real, but I believe that BabyBarista is/was a law student (please correct me if I’m wrong).

Dizzy Does It

A 3L at a Midwestern law school. She says what she thinks in a very refreshing way. Check out this recent post.

Harmless Error
A newbie attorney with a new job, and a new apartment in a new city. Some days I think I want her life, then I read about actually having to do work and I think maybe not so much.

My So-Called Law School
It’s like 90210 meets The O.C. but in law school.

The Last Refuge of the Persecuted Crack Smoker
A mix of random thoughts, memes and occasional updates about law school. Trying to follow her thought process makes my head spin, but many of her posts also make me smile.

Law with Grace
A 3L in Chicago. Love the way she portrays what is going on around her — definitely a study on people watching and calling it like it is.

Lindsey’s Legal Adventures
Law student or pop-culture goddess? You decide.

Loco Delictis
A 1L from Texas. She’s already experiencing a law of motivation — and she’s only 2 semesters in.

Useless Dicta
Another 1L writing about life, law school and how law school is your life during the first year. We’ve all been there, and we’re all happy we’re no longer 1Ls. Plus, she’s got a great blog design.

The War of All Against All
Two 1Ls whose senses of humor remind me a lot of my fellow lawbitches. Love the professor son of a bitch quotes.


nicolle said...

thanks for the shoutout. :)

don't worry...often, i can't follow my own thought processes myself. i with them and see what happens.

angela said...

Thanks for the shoutout... I especially loved the description because it's totally true, hahah. :]

LF Design Clothing said...

Baby Barista is allegedly undergoing a pupillage in order to become a barrister. By the way, his blog is now hosted by Times at

LF Design Clothing said...

Oops... I'm sorry, I didn't realise you had put the correct link for BabyB! Just ignore me :)

Anonymous said...

You know you've made it in the law student blogger world when you get a shoutout on the Law Bitches Blog!!!! Thanks!!!

Grace said...

Thank you, Law Bitches! All of a sudden it's like I'm blogging at the cool kids table. Love your blog, too.

Guy Fawkes said...

Hooray, we like shoutouts. It's nice to know that a lot of other people bitch about law school on their blogs too.

Calculating Bitch said...

I'm pretty sure the use of "the cool kids table" has a completely different meaning here then it did in high school.