So I've been throwing around the idea of starting an incoming law student advice site, and ultimately came up with this.
The premise is rather simple, an online collaboration of law students (so far just myself and Namby) who have been there, done that and want to share those "I wish I would have known" moments. Ultimately you should only take our advice for what it's worth (i.e. it's free) -- the real key is to finding something that will work for you. But in the meantime, we're willing to share our two cents about helpful online links, study aids, and anything else we feel like sharing.
If you're a law student who has survived your first year and you are interested in contributing permanently or just providing the occassional tidbit please drop me a line.
If you're an incoming 1L (or even a current law student) with questions or perhaps just looking for a little guidance, you might find some of the links helpful so check out Wish I Would Have Known.
shameless indeed. a good idea though. i'm pretty sure what you have there is already more useful than any of the other posts i've seen. of course, i'm a 3L now, so i could have used something like this a couple years ago. ahh well.
i wonder if this counts for our future pro bono requirements
Namby, I think you're onto something. I'm so counting the hours I spend on the other blog as part of my service hours requirement.
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