Where Were You...

...12 years ago today?

I was in my high school cafeteria eating a tuna sandwhich on stale bread when the verdict was read. There was a moment of silence, followed mostly by outrage -- and then a few cheers.

I never would have guessed that it was something I would still recall 12 years later.

And no, that is not why I decided to become a lawyer. But I think it may have been Johnnie Cochran's performance that led Lance here.


nicolle said...

i was in eighth grade english class. the teacher said that under no circumstances would he turn on the TV and let us see the verdict handed down...but we complained, and complained, and refused to pay attention...so he finally relented.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am practically an infant!!! I was in 6th grade, we weren't allowed to watch it on TV but our school principal came on over the school wide intercom and made an annoucement after the verdict came out. I remember the reaction being about 50-50, I was angry because I thought (and still do believe) that he did it

Nicole said...

I was in 6th grade, taking my first math test of the year and my teacher refused to turn off the television, so that we could, y'know, pay attention to our test. Somehow, I managed to do a decent job through all the shrieking.

Lance Ito said...

I just remember the "Dancing Itos" from some late night talk show (I think it was Jay Leno). Hence my name.


I was walking through a Tucson flea market, with a sexy Bandito who looked just like a blond Jesus Christ.